CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) Rating for Customers
Each customer who has been assigned to a Milestone task that has CSAT enabled, can provide Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)Ratings for the task post completion.
From the Customer Portal, the customer will receive a notification on the home page to rate the task post completion. Click on 'Rate your Experience'.
You can rate your experience by giving star ratings. You can also leave comments incase you have any feedbacks. Click submit to complete the rating.
CSAT Ratings and Inferences
- One Star Rating: Very Dissatisfied
- Two Stars Rating: Dissatisfied
- Three Stars Rating: Neutral
- Four Stars Rating: Satisfied
- Five Stars Rating: Very Satisfied
Note: You will not be able to alter CSAT reviews once they have been submitted
CSAT Reports
Post completion, each milestone task can be reviewed by your customers on the customer portal. The CSAT Report page generates a detailed report of all the CSAT Ratings given by customers for these milestone tasks.
Apply filters to view specific CSAT Ratings. You can filter milestone tasks based on project fields.
Projects Created

The 'Projects Created' filter lets you filter projects based on creation date.
The Advanced option has two sections:
- Relative:
You can choose the projects using the number of days ago the project was created. It can be a tentative number or an exact number of days. - Absolute:
You can provide a specific date and look up only those projects which have been created after, before or exactly on that date.
Average CSAT Rating
This card displays the average CSAT rating based on all the ratings received during the set time duration.
Rating Distribution
The Rating distribution card displays the percentage of reviews received in the form of a pie chart. Hovering on the pie chart displays the percentage of that rating received.

Project Owners based Average Rating
This card displays the Project Owners and the average ratings calculated for the milestone tasks for their projects.
Ratings by Template
This card displays the rating stats received on projects based on which template was used for project creation.
CSAT Report Table
Here is a list of CSAT Report table fields:
- Project
- Milestone
- Rated By
- Rating
- Comment
- Response Date
Group By
You can group the CSAT Report Table values based on Project, Response Date, Milestone, Customer and Rating.