Setting up a user profile is essential for other team members and customers to identify the person working with them and to have visibility of the user's attributes.
To setup your user profile,
Login as an Admin
Navigate to your profile icon at the bottom of the page
Select profile
You can update the following details in your profile,
Change picture - You can upload a personal profile picture from your computer for other users to quickly identify you.
Name - If you wish to change your name created while inviting you to Rocketlane, you can click on change name and update your profile
Password - To change your current password, click on change password and enter your current and new password. If you don't remember your current password, click the forgot password option and use the link mailed to you to set a new password. The email to reset the password looks like this.
Time off - You can apply your leaves using the Apply time off option.
In the Apply time off pane, select the time off dates you are unavailable
Add notes if any, for users to read on when they get notified about your time off
Check the option to notify your project owners of the projects you are working on about your time off
If you wish to notify others in your team, you can add their names from the drop down and click Apply
View time off history lets you view your past and upcoming time offs
Note: Your role and weekly capacity can only be edited by user with Admin or Super user permissions.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to